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CCA Distinctives

CCA's unique approach to schooling and excellent reputation have attracted families from all across Illinois.  



Christian and Classical

God is at the center of all learning and our ultimate source of Truth. Our mission is to help our students to see the Good, the True, and the Beautiful in this world God has created.

Classical Christian education seeks to develop a love of wisdom and strong character in our students - teaching students how to think, not what to think.


Hybrid...Best of Both Worlds

The hybrid model permits flexibility for families and students, fosters much-needed family time, encourages independent scholarship, prepares students for the rhythm of college and life, allows the time needed to complete challenging work well, and keeps costs low...

...while giving students the opportunity to benefit from a corporate learning environment.  



CCA works hard to provide enriching opportunities for students.


-Worship Team

-Enrichment Weeks

-House System


-CCA Showcase

-Rhetoric Banquet


-Field Trips

-Social Events

-Portfolio Presentations

-Thesis Defenses

-Exceptional Education Opportunity Scholarship

-Honors Cohort


Rigor with Purpose

Students learn the value of work and perseverance as they are challenged academically, and they see the beauty that comes from doing hard things. 


We believe in the amazing potential of our students and often ask them to accomplish tasks that stretch them.  By equipping and supporting students to do more than they think they can do, they learn that they can do anything they set their minds to.


Community That Sharpens

CCA is a faithful, encouraging, and supportive community that works to sharpen one another.  Our dedicated teachers are committed to building strong relationships with their students.  We have established a House System that fosters connections between students and families across grade levels.  We have a CCA Scholars program that encourages students to help struggling students be successful.  Service projects, field trips, and school-wide and grade-specific gatherings are all ways that we get and stay connected.


Dedicated to Improvement

Just as we encourage students to be life-long learners, we are dedicated to learning how to better serve our students and their families.  We know that CCA isn't perfect, so we strive to make each year better than the one before to the glory of the Lord.

"And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith." - Galatians 6:9-10

Come Take a Look

Wondering if CCA is right for your family?  Sign up for one of our Preview Days (7-12th Grade) or Preview Nights (K-6th Grade). Sign-ups will begin again in January '25.

1600 East Main Street | Barrington, IL | 60010

Need some enrichment?  Check out our sister program, H.E.A.R.T.

© 2006 by Classical Consortium Academy

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